Key meaning: True Love and Wisdom of the Universe
This card is timely given that it is Thanksgiving Day in Canada, a day for great gratitude for the earth’s awakening!
Since its creation, Mother Earth has infused crystals with sacred knowledge and wisdom of the past, present, and future. During this awakening and ascension period, the crystals are now activating. All ancient secrets of existence are opening into the hearts and hands of humanity.
Each crystal has a divine message to share and is instrumental in awakening our planet to a more expanded way of being. When we live from our heart chakra, a place of love, we open ourselves to diving spiritual messages and guidance from the universe.
Sit quietly with your favourite crystal and allow the doorway to your soul’s memory to be activated as you recall and access this deep-seated knowing to guide your life.
The crystal on this card is a Master Crystal as it has a little of every crystal within itself that is all-encompassing. In other words, we have all the answers within us too!
It is time that you stop looking to have someone to save. You are encouraged to look inward to the wisdom which is awaiting you. Everything you need is within you to move forward during this time or to deal with a situation. All this wisdom and knowledge learned from this life, and all previous life experiences, are becoming more accessible.
You are complete: You are an I AM, part of the Holy Spirit, and a God Spark.
Do you need personal guidance or coaching to help you on your journey?
My holistic approach to coaching is to guide you during your growth and transformation, find your purpose, lead a successful career or business, and live a balanced life!
To schedule a personalized intuitive card reading or coaching session, contact me at zita@izita.ca.
Have a blissful week!
With grace and gratitude,
Your Guiding Luminary
Card Deck: The Healing Oracle: Crystal Reading Cards by Rachelle Chaman
Published on
October 11, 2021