“Your true strength comes not from self-reliance alone, but from a sincere faith in a higher power.”
Taking the next big step!
Today, you are being guided to use your inner strength to connect with the universe to move forward. Despite your efforts to control your life and personal situation, you feel the enormity of challenges in the world.
The old ways are being ushered out and new ideas are being tested right now. Have courage and take your best step forward because the magic of the universe is about to guide you to a new reality.
Remember, you are never alone – you can always connect with the universe for guidance and inspiration. You may need to reassess whether you’re compromising yourself in a way to achieve what is an illusion of safety. Be true to yourself and your dreams, and remember that the universe will send you people and situations to advance your journey for your highest good.
Your Higher Purpose
We all have a higher purpose and are an integral part of our planet’s evolution. No matter what happens in worldly events, you are here for a reason and you are part of the master plan. People, events, and timelines cannot remain stagnant. We would not evolve as a species if we remain indifferent to change.
Remain cautious and vigilant at this time. Find your strength. Use your discernment carefully as people and events may derail you.
Need some guidance or coaching to help you on your journey?
My holistic approach to coaching is designed to guide you during your growth and transformation, to find your purpose, to lead a successful career or a profitable business, and to live a balanced life!
To schedule a personalized intuitive card reading, please contact me at zita@izita.ca.
Published on
January 18, 2021