Oracle Card Draw: Week of Oct. 18, 2021 Yoga IMG-5482
Yoga – Your life is enhanced by yoga, stretching, and exercising!

During these difficult times, if you are stressed and anxious, your energy can be blocked, thus preventing you from manifesting and living your best life!

This week, instead of doing and being, you are invited to take better care of yourself by stretching and exercising while listening to meditative music to keep your energy flowing.

Whether you are enrolled in an in-person yoga class or watching a video on Youtube, or simply doing the poses yourself at home, there are tremendous benefits to doing yoga. Blocked and trapped energies can cause serious illness, restlessness, and disaccord. Flowing energy in your body opens your chakras, making you feel better, think better, and regain inner balance and peace.

On another note, this card may indicate that your life purpose, as a career, may involve some form of yoga. Your calling may be to teach this discipline to specialized groups of people: pregnant women, children, or the elderly. Or your life purpose may be to design and manufacture yoga apparel.

Either way, this card is encouraging you to take better care of yourself, eat healthier, and find the inner peace which will guide you in the direction of your life purpose.


Have a great week!

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My holistic approach to coaching is to guide you during your growth and transformation, find your purpose, lead a successful career or business, and live a balanced life!

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Have a blissful week!

With grace and gratitude,


Your Guiding Luminary

Card Deck: Life Purpose Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue