CARD: LIFE ENERGY – How beautiful!
“The happy Fairy of Sunshine brings lots of life-giving energy. She reminds you to shine your light and to reveal anything in the shadows that need to be healed.”
As this difficult year comes to an end, we are being guided to allow light into our being to expose any shadows that need to be healed. This process is essential for our internal spark to not get extinguished! Holding onto the old keeps us trap. Release this energy in order to move forward.
Natural sunlight is important. Go outside to get more vitamin D, eat plant-based foods, drink lots of water, and get plenty of rest. Let nature’s gifts help your body revive and shine.
Glowing from within makes us feel good, and this could inspire others! You may be the ray of sunshine in someone’s life, as someone else may be yours! Keep them near to your heart during the holiday season – to bring you warmth and comfort!
I hope I’ve been able to be your beacon of light over the course of the last few months.
Remember: The best is yet to come!
Need some guiding light to inspire you? My holistic approach to coaching is designed to guide you during your growth and transformation, to find your purpose, to lead a successful career or a profitable business, and to live a balanced life!
To schedule a personalized intuitive card reading, please contact me at zita@izita.ca.
Published on
December 28, 2020