Self-Care: Life’s Little Pleasures! Bonjour HI! Self care
Bonjour – Hi!

For most social butterflies, although I love working from home, at times it can be difficult and lonely. During the cold, snowy winter, and this pandemic, it is even harder to keep up the morale. I miss going out, connecting, and networking at different events and associations. These encounters always provided me with the opportunity to meet new people and prospective clients. 

Of course, this is 2021 and not possible. So yesterday I decided to go out for a walk for some much needed fresh air. Luckily, I live near the waterfront and decide to venture there. As I stood by the shoreline to enjoy the beautiful scenery, I saw a couple heading my way. Out of the blue, I decided to say  “Bonjour – Hi!” – the usual greeting in Montreal. And, to my surprise, although a little apprehensive for my underlying motive, they answered back with a Bonjour

Awesome! With a deep smile, I inhaled the cool breezy air. I continued my walk and expressed my greetings to everyone I met. Everyone said a surprised or mumbled Bonjour! Even a dog barked back!

By the end of my walk, I felt so much better! I was reconnected with humanity again!

Gratitude! Life is short. Make the most of any situation. I hope you have a great weekend!

To schedule a coaching session, please contact me at It will be my pleasure to connect with you and explore your journey.

With grace and gratitude!